What does handwriting Analysis Reveal?
Discover your Personality
It is demonstrated that the human being writes in the same way he walks, moves, talks, gesticulates: He writes according to how he really “IS”. When an individual is defined, for example, as hot-blooded, he will writes in curvy, relatively large, connected in between slanted to the right letters, and his baseline will be ascending. Subconcious feelings are reflected in the written text. The extroverted, seductive, saving, who have ability for command, for sales, will all express their characteristics in their way of writing.
Definition of Graphology: What is Graphology?
The word Graphology comes from the Greek: Graphos: Drawing, design, writing, and Logos: Study or treaty.
Graphology is defined as “The art that expects to find out, due to the characteristics of letters, some of the psychological traits of the writer”. During its beginnings, Graphology tried to get to know the individual, analyzing the different characters of writing. It tried to find the particular differences among individuals. At the end of the XIX century, Ludwig Klages in his work “Writing and Character” proposes an approach that takes into account the movements of the individual in the act of writing. This approach handles the analysis of writing relating the behavior of the individual and the underlying motivations.
What is Graphology Analysis based on?
Graphology is a projective technique that studies handwriting. It is based on the analysis of shape, space and movement of writing.It is based on symbolism of graphical space in a subconscious way, it corresponds with our behavior. The graphical techniques are projective instruments that apply with the goal of recognizing the most primitive aspects of the individual.
Finding Your Power Through Writing
In handwriting analysis we interpret:
● Impression of the whole that we get from the letter or text: According to what we habe been saying along this website, we remind that we should not analyze traits in isolation. An individual “IS” not according to how he writes a single letter nor how he draws a line. All of the graphism is closely related. In order to interpret personality it is essential to consider the whole of the graphical context.
● Graphical Aspects: The graphical categories are: Layout, size, shape, pressure, slant, continuity, speed and direction. Those will express the personality, temper and character of the writer. Each one of them reveals the different levels of personality in the psychological sense.
● Existing relationship between signature and text: The signature is considered as the “mark” or “seal” of personality. The shortest path to get to the deep Ego is through the analysis of the signature. In order not to distort the interpretation, we must analyze the signature and the text of the writer together.
● Individual Letters: It has been proven that some letters are more important than others, since they represent tendencies, states of mind and reveal preferences of the writer.
Read Also: Letter “g” in Handwriting
Graphology and Neurosciences: Thoughts and Emotions in Writing
The brain is a nervous structure of great hierarchy that regulates multiple functions of the whole body. The act of writing is the result of certain cerebral areas, in which we combine processes that are related to movement, the intellectual and the emotional. In this complex line of connections, millions of brain cells are activated and work together. The impulses that activate the brain cells are electro-chemical and carry the information that gets to the hand, with the order of writing movement on graphical space.
Thoughts affect the type of behavior of individuals. Thoughts become material and concrete and writing proves and reflects it. It is a result of what occurs in the brain.
Starting from thoughts, certain chemical substances that provoke feelings and emotions are generated. These, at the same time, are felt in the body and foster thoughts. A closed circuit is established that is intensified, for good or bad. Each thought provokes a chemical reaction that corresponds to an emotion in the body.
Self-Eval of Your Handwriting
When thoughts are happy, optimistic, the brain produces chemicals (endorfines, dopamine, etc) that cause happiness. These chemicals affect writing and lead to an ascending line, open ovals, extense writing, letters endings to the right and upwards, among other traits.
Negative thoughts, of anger and madness produce chemicals (neuropeptides, among others) to which the bod responds, which lead to feelings of hatred, madness and upset. These chemicals close ovals, compress gestures, push lines down, final strokes are repressed, they go down or to te left, among other traits.
Before the lack of trust of many people towards Graphology, the best explanation is to show them that when we write, the one writing is the brain.
No one doubts the results of a Neurologist before an electroencephalogram. Why doubt writing, which is such a complex cerebral expression?
How does Graphology Work?
The number of companies that use this tool, Graphological Analysis, is bigger and bigger. Specially, it is used in hiring, selection and promotion processes. It is a simple, economical technique that offers quick results. Ads requesting handwritten letters are the ones in which a Graphologist will participate for sure.
Do not try to force any trait, nor to “write neatly”, since the Graphologist will detect that. Just write the letter when you are calmand in a good time and there your abilities and skills will emerge.
Do not allow someone to write for you, since an experimented interviewer will detect it.
Graphology has many different applications such as professional and vocational orientation, premarriage, public relations and sales orientation. It is also used in criminology through forensic graphology, in health through Graphopathology and reeducation or also known as Graphotherapy.
Self-knowledge and Graphology
Graphology Definition. We go through life barely knowing the surface of our identity and we do not always stop to deepen in our feelings, wishes, behavior and abilities. We all at some time in our existence wonder who we are, why we have come here, where we are heading. The reason is that our busy lives, full of stimulus, keep us in continuous movement, keeping us away from self-contact. It turns into a real challenge when we look for enough time to take a look inside of us.
Graphology is an excellent technique for self-knowledge, that discovers the secrets of our soul, allowing to know the characteristics of your personality, character temper and states of mind through writing.
Human beings behave before a blank sheet of paper just like they behave in life itself. There, we express our energy, the way we use time, idealism or materialism, expectations or physical, psychological and soul conditions.
In each stroke that we distractedly execute in letters of writings, signatures, drawings, we express our way of thinking. There, we print our emotions and manifested or hidden feelings, our latent or developed abilities, our conduct and the way we connect with ourselves and who surround us. Also, in these graphical expressions we express those aspects that are not resolved or that we still need to heal.
Can Handwriting tell Your Personality?
We are usually distracted by the way we think we are or we should be, or what others think we should be. Pleasing ourselves is a hard task and we do not always feel at ease with that true being that dwells in our interior.
The Power of Self-Knowledge
You can Understand Yourself with Handwriting Analysis
It seems like self-knowledge is something very positive to have, but extremely hard to reach. Graphology is an excellent tool for self-knowledge
Self-knowledge, as the name indicates, means to know yourself in a deep and intimate way. It includes feelings, thoughts, and the influence these have on our behavior. Self-knowledge is related to motivations, needs and desire, opinions and points of view and ethical values.
Summing up, self-knowledge or knowing yourself implies “taking a look” in detail on thoughts, behavior, traits in character, values and emotions in order to ask ourselves the reasons for those.
Graphology Self Analysis
Self-knowledge is conferred with power because those who know themselves understand their conducts, can determine with precision what they want for their lives, manage to get along with all situations they need to cope with and to have control on their existence.
Benefits of self-knowledge: The fact of having a deeper knowledge about ourselves carries its advantages. It helps us understand and accept what we are and understand why we do what we do. It allows us to be aware of what motivates us, realizing that although reality is only one, individuals see it from different points of view. It will all depend on “the eye of the beholder”.
Self-knowledge is translated into a great improvement in self-esteem, fluency in communication and in the bonds with others (and with ourselves). It is the key to achieve a more satisfactory and happy life.
It is essential to our own EVOLUTION, personal, professional growth and success in life.
Knowing yourselg is not only knowing who you are, but identifying goals, wishes and purpose that motivate us. Self-knowledge is related to emotional intelligence.
Emotional intelligence, according to Mayer, is “an ability to percieve, assimilate, comprehend and regulate our own emotions and others´, fostering emotional and intellectual growth. This way, we can use this information to guide our way of thinking and our behavior.”
Self-knowledge and Graphology: How can we achieve it?
For self-knowledge, it is important to examine emotions, what the body and soul feel. This process of self-evaluation and self-reflection through which past experiences are reflected in order to understand how we got where we stand today can be achieved through Graphology. Knowing our skills and weaknesses contributes determining our future.
According to Matilde Ras: “Handwriting es the enchanted mirror where the misterious side of the soul is reflected”.
This concludes the article about Graphology Definition. Feel free to share it with your contacts if you found it useful.
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