The letter “i” is located in the middle zone of the writing and it is studied among the so-called reflex letters. Although it is something so small, the dot of the letter i is very important since it measures attention, precision, memory and concentration. These characteristics are also analyzed in the dot of letter “j” which is usually forgotten.
Read also: Graphology Basics
What do the i-dots reveal about your personality
Focusing on interpretations of isolated symbols is not recommended. We must consider the graphism as a whole. Reflex letters are the ones that, due to their structure and location in the graphical space, evoke psychological signs and symbols that indicate physical states or certain behaviors.
The descriptive study of each reflex letter contributes as a complementary analysis to the main analysis of the represented graphism through the interpretation of the eight graphical aspects and the analysis of the signature.
The letter i is a vowel of the middle zone of writing composed by an edge or downstroke and a dot. Specifically, the dot of the letter “i” (like the dot in letter “j”), presents a diversity of varieties and meanings. In these, we mainly study the shape, the pressure used on the pencil when drawing the dot, the location of the dot (if it is high, forward or backwards according to the downstroke) and the regularity presented along the text.
Handwriting Analysis of Letter i: Dots and Accents
In general, the fact of placing the dot in the right spot indicates that the individual is concrete and exact at the moment of issuing opinions or observations.
An “i” without a dot or a dot incorrectly drawn denotes errors or confusion, providing an idea that the task is being executed incorrectly or disorderly. It denotes lack of attention and negligence.
On the contrary, the act of drawing the dot precisely is positive and denotes order, attention and concentration on the executed activity.
The Origin of the expression “Dotting the i’s”
The expression “dotting your i’s”, means making things clear or expressing something without leaving room for doubt or misinterpretation. To dot the i’s and cross the t’s means to complete the task fully.
This situation comes from times in which gothic characters were user for writing. At that time, it was common to find two i’s together, one following the other in the same word.
In the past, the letter “i” did not carry a dot. This generated great confusion, since these two i’s looked like a “u”. In order to differentiate them and avoid confusion, a line or accent was introduced on top of the “i” and with time and the speed of writing it became a dot.
This custom of some copyists resulted excessively meticulous for others. That is why the expression of placing the dots on the is is applied to indicate that the copyists and printers who used dots where meticulous and perfectionists.
What does Calligraphy “i” mean?
Calligraphic letter “i”: When the letter i is executed according to calligraphy learned in school, we interpret that we are before a person with a childish personality.
The dots and accents in the letters i and j are identified as symbols of attention. This is not exclusively about “paying attention” to real objects that surround us but also whatever comes from our imagination. Graphologists Trillat and Periot discovered equilibrium in thinking before obligations in the dots of “i” and compare the dot of “i” using the Barany test.
What is the Barany test?
Robert Bárány was a Nobel prize-winning doctor born in Vienna, 1876. Several tests that diagnose vertigo problems carry his name. These consist of extending the arms and fingers pointing forward in order to detect the presence of lateral deviations in the arms or body.
Downstroke of letter “i”: Shape
- No downstroke: It has been eliminated and replaced by a filiform stroke. Typical stroke of a nervous, unworried and hurried individual.
- Straight downstroke: Quickness for comprehension, isolation, independence, utopia, will, good memory. With an absence of the final stroke: it means there is a limitation for resources in order to achieve goals.
- Downstroke of wide base: Coarseness, vulgarity.
The precision and attention are manifested in the dot of the “i”. Where? In the regularity, shape, exactitude, as well as the diversity of shapes in which they are located. When the dot of the “i” is drawn immediately after drawing the downstroke (lifting the pencil) it is interpreted as perfect precision (very appreciated in career guidance).
When executed after writing several letters or finishing the words, the dot tends to be less exact. If it seems difficult to calculate the spot where it will be placed, it means a desire to protect oneself, distrust, fear.
If both cases are found in the same writing (dots are placed immediately and dots are drawn after finishing the word) it is considered a sign of mental agility.
When the dot of letter i is regularly located, it means we pay attention and precision in our tasks. Regularity and exactitude of dots (neither too high nor low) means mental order, self-control, maturity in criteria, ability for concentration, attention, precision, regularity in tasks, in obligations, routine, acquisition of habits.
Very strongly executed dots are interpreted as an exaggerated feeling for responsibility, thoroughness, excessive formality.
How do you dot your “i’s”? Regularity in writing
A writing is classified as regular when the amplitude of oscillations of its elements is small according to the module (module: average value).
If the dots are located in an irregular way, it is interpreted as a lack of precision and attention.
The irregularity in punctuation of the letter i means distraction, lack of precision, oversights, tendency to dispersion, lack of persistence, lack of organization in tasks.
With sharp dots: it means impulsiveness or that we are before a combative personality.
I don’t dot my i’s. What does not dotting your i’s mean?
- Absence of dot or omitted dot: It denotes distraction, oversight, lack of attention, tendency to get distracted or forget obligations, lack of critical sense, lack of interest, apathy, lack of order, precision and exactitude. Thinking is not based in objective conclusions, but it “wanders” and gives into receptiveness, indolence, negligence, laziness. When the structure is slow: it reflects lack of initiative. If accompanied by fast writing: it symbolizes a desire to simplify.
Graphology: i-dot pressure
- Normal pressure dot: Simplicity, rational thinking, little materialism.
- Light high dot: Mysticism, idealism, intuition, illusion, devotion.
- Light low dot: Fineness, elegance, subtleness, little vitality, low activity, insecurity, inhibition.
- With a loose pressure: Depression, submission, shyness and humbleness.
- With a firm pressure: Practical and realistic individual. With small writing, inhibited, bound, descending, loose: despondency, depression.
- Thick dot: Vital, materialistic, sensual individual.
- When very marked: Passion, energy and excessive strength.
Position and Shape of i-dots
Graphology: i-dots Altitude
The altitude at which the dot of letter i is located expresses the oscillation between materialism and spirituality (tendencies towards spirituality of predominance of instincts). This is an opportunity for personal growth. If you can identify any problem area then you stand a better chance of fixing it.
- Very high dot: Little contact with reality, mysticism, avoids problems, does not get involved with whatever that requires effort.
- If high and thin: lives in an unreal world, utopian, and might be influenced by mystical and religious ideas. Dreams awake, escaping reality towards a world of fantasies.
- If also gets ahead of the letter: Persistence of an unreachable idea.
- If behind the letter: nostalgia, longing, evokes childhood memories, weakness of will, laziness to fight for progress and improve the actual situation.
- High dot: Idealistic, lack of contact with reality, looks for the noble and worthy, spiritual. Predominance of the intellectual sphere. Magnitude in goals.
- Normal height dot: In harmony between the concrete and the ideal, equilibrium between spirit and matter.
- Low dot: If precise: Speaks of an individual with a practical sense, concrete, realistic. Common sense, humility, obedience. Materialism and sensuality. If heavy, loaded with ink and dirty, we need to confirm with other signs and may be interpreted as pessimism, discouragement, depression.
- Very low dot: Difficulty to face obstacles, sybaritism, greediness, weakness, depression, pronounced sense of materialism.
- Fallen dot: It means fatigue, physical weakness, exhaustion, tiredness, pessimism, depression that can be temporary according to how it is manifested. We must confirm if it is only one dot falling or if all the rest are fallen too. Tendency to neurosis.
Degree of Alignment
Evaluating if the dot of the letter i is placed on the right or the left of the downstroke shows if the personality is introverted or extroverted, the degree of decision and indecision and hesitation on carrying out projects.
- Dot on the left: Prudent individual, introverted, shy, indecisive, melancholic, pessimistic. It indicates fear, anguish, repression, lack of trust in himself, slowness in thinking, excessive reflection before concreting, inability for improvisation, fear to the unknown and risk, lymphatic temper.
- Late dot to the extreme left: Insecurity, vacillation, hesitation, introversion, attachment to the past.
- Right-on-the-center dot: Mental order, precise attention, punctuality, exactitude,. Equilibrium between extroversion and introversion, objectivity, self-control, reflection and reason. Detailed person, enthusiast but prudent. Practical sense, calm and clear vision of situations and of the own duties and responsibilities. Acquired habits, routine, coldness in feelings.
- Dot on the right (does not overtake the next letter): Activity, initiative, passion, decision, curiosity, ambition for progress and reaching goals, will, impatience, mental quickness, intuitive thinking. Extraversion, affection, kindness. On the negative side: vivacity without reflection, rationalization or previous planning. With high dots: imagination.
- Dot on the extreme right that overtakes the next letter: Precipitation, impatience, passion, audacity, little reflection.
Circle over “i”? Dotting your i’s with circles
The variety of shapes of the dot of the letter i is very broad. These are the most relevant. In its shape we can appreciate the personal characteristics and the depth of the individual.
- Vertical-accent-shaped dot: Vivacity in reflexes, desire to affirm his own ideas, attachment to principles, excitement, nervousness, aggression, discontent, may get to lack of concentration and distraction.
- Horizontal-accent-shaped: Non-influenced personality, dynamism, impatience, aggression, precipitation, choleric.
- Convex or umbrella-shaped: Slyness, diplomacy, reserve, simulation. Depression for strokes that fall (confirm with others signs). Unstoppable imagination.
- Concave shape: Imagination overflow, expansion, credulity.
- Open-angle-shaped- dot (flying bird): Extroversion, expansion, fantasy overflow, intransigence due to the angle.
What does it mean if I dot letter i with an accent or circle
- Circle-shaped dot: The circle stops the rhythm of writing. It does not allow it to flow, expressing difficulty in adaptation. Depending on the graphical context, it can have different interpretations. With rigid writing, it can point out obsessive tendencies that turn around an idea o concerns. Desire to provoke a sensation of extravagance, egocentrism, snobbism, pedantry.
According to Roseline Crepy, with a disordered, spaced and varied in slant writing, denotes an individual that seeks to free himself from inner conflicts. In graphisms of young people: Narcissism, vital anguish, oppression, oppositionist tendencies. In other cases it may reflect fantasy, search for originality, in response to juvenile protest. - Dot connected to the following letter: Deductive and analytical qualities, mental agility, alive imagination, creating resources, picks up concepts quickly, dynamism. When accompanied by curved, soft and loose writing: laziness, negligence.
- Connected dot that leaves a stroke: Negligence, indolence, hoarding. Protects himself. Conflict between desire of realization due to impediments.
Handwriting Analysis Letter j: Meaning of dotting your j’s
This letter contributes with a lot of information. Due to its location in the middle zone, it reflects the affective sphere of the individual, the lower extension refers to the instinctive sphere and the dot expresses precision, attention and memory.
- Calligraphic letter j: Childish behavior.
- No initial stroke: Simplification, objectivity. With a dot and inflated lower extension: expansion of affection.
- No initial stroke and connected to the following letter: Ability for social adaptation.
- No initial stroke and disconnected: Reserve, privation
- Initial stroke in angle: Fighting spirit, obstinacy, vanity.
- Curved initial stroke: Tendency to extroversion, expansive, happy character.
- Arched initial stroke: Vanity.
This concludes the article about of the Letter i in handwriting Analysis. Feel free to share it with your contacts if you found it useful. Follow us on Facebook!
Keep reading this blog to learn more about What does your handwriting say about you?
what if i dont write the steam of the letter i.. i just draw a simple dot but i usually dont draw the rest of the letter .
a dot with no i – maybe you want to disappear and not exist? Just a guess.
i think that just means youre a bit strange