Signature Analysis Personality

Tips for a Positive Signature

What does our signature mean? The act of signing, besides granting documents validity and turning them into legitimate, defines us, since the signature symbolizes our inner Ego. It is almost like a “logo” for a company. The signature represents what we feel about our identity and how we feel about what we have achieved so far until present. It is very tied to the individual we would like to be, that is, our ideal Ego; it is more subconscious than the text.

We all know how much companies invest in the logo development that will identify them. We should think the same way about our writing and especially in our signature.

If you still write and sign like an adolescent, you should ask yourself if that is how you would like to be seen by the rest of the world. The signature is an introduction letter that sends subconscious signals about how you are and about how you see yourself.

What does my current signature say?

We should ask ourselves “What does my current signature say?” and “Are there “alerts signs” in my signature that other people see and that I do not even register?” Maybe all of this will help us reflect for our self-knowledge.

Also read: Print and Cursive: Handwriting interpretation

Signature Analysis Personality: Text and Signature

Signature Analysis Personality: Tips for a positive signature
Signature Analysis: Tips for a positive signature

The text symbolizes the way in which we conduct ourselves in life and how we wish to be identified. It is the image we present before others. The text is studied through the graphical aspects that we have mentioned several times, layout, shape, dimension, slant, speed, continuity and pressure that will reflect who we are today in our present situation and will also allow to infer the future behavior. The graphological study analyzes the signature and text as a whole, quite on the contrary, there would be information missing. In the signature, we project our deepest being, our personality. In the graphological test, the signature is analyzed after the other graphological aspects have been studied. It is very usual that our signature is modified throughout time and does not accompany us for our entire life, due to evolution and the maturity of our personality.

We ask ourselves about the meaning of the signature.

  • How are “scrawled” and illegible signatures interpreted?
  • What does an end period mean in a signature?
  • And signatures that only include initials or capital letters?
  • Signatures between parallel lines?
  • What kind of signatures should we avoid?

When we look at a signature, the first thing that strikes us is its global structure (it is observed as a “gestalt” that means looking at “the whole” as if it were a picture, without discriminating details.) It must be clear, legible and with simple shapes and harmonic dimensions, there must be equilibrium in the curves, angles and straight lines that form it and keep relationship with the text that goes along with it. Let us get into detail.

Tips for having a Positive Signature

To keep in mind:

Signature Analysis Personality: illegible signature
Signature Analysis Personality: illegible signature

It is important that the capital letters of the name and last name are always bigger than the rest of the letters. We must not write the name and last name of the signature in lowercase, since it would transmit a deep inferiority feeling and lack of trust in oneself.

Regarding the size of the signature, it must keep relationship with the letters of the text, (not smaller nor bigger). The signature of a bigger size than the text transmits a superiority feeling before others (we shall explain in detail below)

The style we use is something we should never overlook. The signature must be sober and simple, without complicated, tangled ot aggressive strokes. These strokes that appear to be sophisticated and elegant reveal some kind of conflict for the one who knows graphology.

Signature Analysis Personality. Tips for a Positive Signature

  • Dimension or size of the signature.
  • Relationship between signature and text.
  • Legibility.
  • Predominant shape of the signature.
  • Location of the signature.

Graphology: Size of the Signature

The size of the signature is studied through height, extension and is compared to the body of graphical mass of the text. The height reflects self-esteem and value and the concept of oneself and the extension expresses the projected strength and intensity at the time of executing the action. According to the dimension of the signature, there are several possibilities:

Signature Anaysis Personality: Comparisons between Siganture and Text
Signature Anaysis Personality: Comparisons between Siganture and Text
  • Signature of a bigger size than the text: It is deduced into “inflation of the Ego”, over esteem of personal values. These are individuals that consider themselves superior to others, with a greater capacity, greater experience that is driven with arrogance, pride, hubris and despise.
  • Letters of the signature of equal size than the text: Its self-concept coincides with what he shows. Harmony and equilibrium between the inner Ego and the expressed social Ego. There are no inferiority nor superiority feelings towards the outside world.
  • Signature of a lower size than the text: Reflects an individual who has inferiority feelings, lack of trust, shyness, excessive humility, difficulty in social and business communications.
  • When signatures are executed in capital letters, they mark an important superiority feeling with mythomania, discontent people who show superiority as a defense mechanism before their own insecurity with the goal of hiding their weaknesses. Ability for presenting their best image.
  • Over-elevated signature (It is detected because ovals are higher than wide): It indicates pride, vanity, creative spirit elevated self-concept, aristocratic or superiority pretensions according to the signs.

Resemblance between Signature and Text

Signature Anaysis Personality: Comparisons between Siganture and Text
Signature Anaysis Personality: Comparisons between Siganture and Text

The greater the identity and the graphical resemblance between the signature and the text, the greater the stability and correspondence between what the individual wants or needs and his way of proceeding or acting.

In a mature, evolved and sound person, there should be a concordance between the written text and his signature. It is expected that an individual acts according to what he thinks and feels. A person that expresses himself as he really “is”, can be considered “trustworthy”.

The signature is associated from the psychological with the feeling of identity and inner wellbeing that an individual has managed to build until present.

What happens when the signature and text do not coincide?

 When this similarity between signature and text does not exist, it means that the individual does not feel fulfilled, or that his present life differs according to his expectations and most inner whishes.

Graphology: Signature analysis personality
Graphology: Signature analysis personality

The signature represents those aspects that are more subconscious that are tied to the “ideal Ego”, while we can see all that the individual truly thinks, feels and the present behavior expressed in the text. The signature is a synthesis of the personal history. That is why we repeat that is not reliable to carry out a graphological analysis of a text if we do not have a signature, just like we should not study a signature in isolation without the text. When the text is equilibrated, harmonic and the signature presents negative signs, it indicates that the stability is “apparent”, not real and that at some time this conflict will arise.

In many cases, there is a lack of identity and concordance (sometimes very accented) between a written text and the signature that accompanies the same, to the extent that it is impossible to associate this signature with that text.

When the graphical aspects that are analyzed in the signature and text coincide, we are before an individual in harmony between what he expresses and what truly “is”. There is coherence between what the individual “thinks” and what he “does”. There is equilibrium, spontaneity and naturality. The differences between text and signature indicate the presence of conflicts in personality. It is an indicator of contradiction between social attitude and intimate conduct.

Also read: Graphotherapy. How to Change your Writing


When is a signature readable?

Wrapping Signature: Analysis Personality
Wrapping Signature: Analysis Personality

A signature is considered legible when we can easily recognize the names and last names. The signature that is legible reflects an equilibrated personality, with clear goals and sense of duty and responsibility that feels identified with himself. It means the individual expresses himself the way he is, his intentions are clear and is convinced of his way of thinking and acting.

  • The signature is considered semi-legible when its reading is complicated but it is possible to identify and associate the strokes with the letters. This type of signatures is associated to impatience, anxiety.
  • Illegible signatures are the ones in which it is impossible to identify any letter. When the signature is illegible only in official documents, it could present some difficulty to accept authority. On the other hand, if the signature is always illegible, it indicates some tendency towards avoidance (to avoid conflicts). When strokes are simplified, there is a tendency towards synthesis in general and ability to achieve the goals that have been set.

Graphology: The Shape of a Signature

Shape reflects the own style, culture and education. The way of being of the individual. There are signatures in which there is a predominance of angles and others where there is a predominance of curves.

Graphology: Signature Analysis Personality: Predominance of Angles
Graphology: Signature Analysis Personality: Predominance of Angles

Evenness in the signature reflects self-control, logics, persistence, concentration and order in general. On the contrary, the variability of shape, indicates intuition, versatility and predominance of feelings before logics and reason.

  • Predominance of angles: Those who sign with predominance of angles have a certain quota of aggression, are conclusive and reluctant to change and adversity. They can be intransigent and intolerant, especially in environments of trust. The angle must not be associated with negative aspects, since in order to develop certain tasks or activities we require aggressiveness, fight and effort. It indicates accented personal energy, independence of criteria, individuality, can get to inflexibility or inability for adjustment, depending on confirmation with other signs.
  • Curve: People who execute curves where there should be angles are softer, more sociable, extroverted, affectionate, and sensual, with a tendency to laziness. The curve indicates flexibility, cordiality, kindness and ability for adjustment, as long as there is a harmonic graphism.

It is essential to compare the shapes of the letters of the text, sin inequalities mark a difference in the general behavior that does not correspond with their inner feelings.

Also read: Graphology. Categories and signs

  • The signatures where arches prevail, like in letters “m”, “n”, “h”, reflect movements of defense towards the environment. Those who sign with arches stick to social rules, conventionalisms, are elegant and distinguish and can fall in the artificial, pay more attention to the apparent than the real.
  • Garlands: People who sign with garlands present more predisposition to extroversion, transmit spontaneity, kindness and comprehension.
Handwriting Analysis: Signature analysis personality
Handwriting Analysis: Signature analysis personality
  • Filiform signatures: Strokes are like a stretching thread. They are typical of people with diplomatic skills that find the exit to any situation. Tendency to escape.


Where must we place the signature? What does the location of the signature in the page symbolize?

The location of the signature symbolizes the degree of dependency or autonomy of the individual, the relationship between ideals and what he appears to be.

  • Signature away from the text: Introversion, distance, pride, shyness, distance from social contact, avoids communication between the social or professional environment. Defensive and imposes distance between his intimate life and the rest.
  • Signature that invades the text: Impulsive individual who does not reflect, ambitious, vulgar, excessive confidence, extroversion, does not respect foreign intimacy.
Handwriting Analysis: Location of the Signature Analysis Personality
Handwriting Analysis: Location of the Signature Analysis Personality
  • Signature next to the text: Extroversion, sociability, adjusts easily, does not feel prisoner of conventionalisms.
  • Signature to the left of the text: Introversion, inhibition, insecurity, indecision, fear to society.
  • Signature to the right of the text: Good adjustment to the environment, optimism, initiative, activity, trust in the future, passion.
  • Signature in the middle of the page: Self-control, cautious, impulse control, inhibition, predominance of reason, diplomacy and reflection. Little spontaneity, moderates expression of feelings. Equilibrium between introversion and extroversion. Can be a “passive spectator” of life. Depending on the rest of the context, the individual may like to be the center of attention.
Where must we place the signature: Analysis personality
Where must we place the signature: Analysis personality

Types of signatures you must avoid

Complicated, Crossed out Signature Analysis PersonalityS
Complicated, Crossed out Signature Analysis PersonalityS

The signatures that we must avoid are the negative signatures and are called negative because they reflect distrustful personalities. There are traits that, even though they are not positive (like the case of way too inclined signatures), they cannot be considered negative. Negative signatures have retouches, are crossed out, complicated, bizarre, overlapped, blackened, disintegrated (or with little cohesion) or are very conflicting according to the text.

  • Complicated signatures are the ones that are executed without fluidity, continuity, too elaborated, slow (takes longer to be executed). From the psychological point of view, it indicates that the individual is defensive and feels vulnerable before the environment. Lack of inner clarity, that tends to see reality from a subjective point of view rather than objective.
  • Overlapping signatures

In order to talk about this topic we must recognize the structure of the signature. The signature is composed by the name, the last name and the stroke that can go under the same or not.

The name, from the graphological point of view symbolizes the personal Ego, intimate and childish and the aspirations. It is with whom we identify ourselves since children and the way we are recognized within our family. Those who sign only with the name or grant more importance to the name than the last name, grant more importance to that first stage in life and their childish Ego.

The last name is related to the father image, the social and business Ego, with the most adult side connected to reality, it symbolizes authority, father roles of protection and control.

How do overlapping signatures occur? It may happen that the last name overlaps the name, or the other way around. That signatures with initials are overlapped to the initials of the name with the ones of the last name.

  • Overlapping signatures evidence invasion feelings that will be interpreted according to the sector of the signature that overlaps the other. In the signatures where only the last name is consigned or where only the name is written we can also find overlaps. The interpretation shall be done according to the associated meanings with each one. When the last name is written in the name, we infer that some aspect of the family life interferes, nullifying the personal growth of the individual expressed through the name. Overlaps symbolize lack of inner discrimination.
Signature Analysis Personality: Complicated signature
Signature Analysis Personality: Complicated signature
  • Blackened signatures present congestions or bundle-ups of a different extension, which are usually related to anguish states of mind and lack of satisfaction or physical or psychological pathologies (such as ulcers, depression and stress). Let us remember that throughout life we usually do not have more than two or three signatures. Each change in the signature responds to a specific biographical fact, that is why it is said that the signature is a biographical synthesis of what the person has gone through.
  • The signatures where the name prevails over the last name indicate supremacy of the intimate life over the social life, love for intimacy or desire for protection or childish personality, depending on confirmation with other signs.
  • Signatures in which the last name prevails over the name: It indicates that the individual feels more important about his social or professional role than his personal life and the family environment results little satisfactory. Presence of memories that whishes to erase from his memory. In certain signatures of married women (if compared to the signature of a single woman) we can notice the feeling of satisfaction or discontent and of identification or oppression in relation to marriage.

What must be avoided when signing?

There are other signatures that are not convenient to use:

  • Signatures with little pressure: It means lack of inner security, little inner resources, a weal Ego, shyness, inhibition, limited inner energy that can result prone to physical diseases.
  • Signatures with corrections: Corrections are rectifications of the own signature that express insecurity when writing the own name. Could be related to obsessive processes. We must always confirm that it is not due to lack of habit of writing or signing.
  • Regressive signatures: This type of signatures are characterized by the strokes towards the left, movements of graphical involution that reflect difficulty in adaptation, comes back to the past and create impediments that do not allow self-development. They are individuals who find it hard to give themselves affectionately, due to protection or childhood experiences. We need to analyze the differences of inclination between the signature and the text, since interpretations vary.
Graphology: Crossed -out name: Signature Analysis personality
Graphology: Crossed -out name: Signature Analysis personality
  • Crossed-out name signatures: It means low self-esteem, lack of self-acceptance, lack of adaptation, immaturity, tendency to self-destruction, guiltiness complexes, insecurity, the individual thinks that other people are superior to him. Incompatibility with the family environment, carelessness for himself.
  • Wrapping signature: It expresses the need of feeling protected from the environment due to fears, fear to interchange, shyness, distrust. Need for isolation, eagerness for freedom that has been impeded for dependency to the mother. Desire of being in a safe environment. Imposition of barriers against unexpected events. Foreign intromission is not admitted, keeps his own things in a childish way, imposes his childish desire. Suggests a narcissist and selfish attitude. Hides and lies, depending on other signs.
  • Descending signatures: Depression, pessimism, lack of trust in himself or great mental or psychological fatigue. They indicate despondency or lack of energy and trust to get to the desire goals. Insecurity may lead to depression. Locks into his own ideas. The descending lines can be due to mental or psychological fatigue.

Also read: Handwriting and health. Graphopathology

Graphology Signature between parallel lines: Signature Analysis Personality
Graphology Signature between parallel lines: Signature Analysis Personality
  • Signatures with an unnecessary dots: When there is an unnecessary dot, it is interpreted as a reflexive individual, with a verifying prudence, desire of executing in a perfectionist way, distrust on the future.
  • Illegible signatures: They express desires of escaping reality, of remaining impenetrable, does not wish to see himself as he is, superficial bonds, little spontaneity, distrust, fear that lead to protect himself. We need to keep in mind that there are people who sign a lot of times a day and due to the speed, only these cases are interpreted as mental agility.
  • Signature between parallel lines: Working individual, perseverant, smart but not brilliant, more of an inflexible will. The more firm the lines, the more inflexible and unilateral progress and the energy put forwards in order to achieve a goal. Gets upset when is interrupted from his tasks. Desire to follow a strict line of conduct. Search for security and protection with barriers not to deviate from his goals.

This concludes the article about of Signature Analysis and Personality. Feel free to share it with your contacts if you found it useful.

Read also: Learn Graphology: What does your handwriting say about you? and Letter i in handwriting Analysis. Follow us on Facebook!