Your way of writing “speaks”. Strange, right? People manifest themselves through their personality, their way of being, and what is the way of being of a person? It is the way of walking, of speaking, the way we express what we feel, our emotions, impulses. It is also the way in which we adapt to the situations that life brings. Do you use reason and reflection? Or are you sensitive and burst into tears easily? Everything generates a dynamic that is externalized through gestures and movements that are manifested in your personality. When you write, you print your personality on the sheet of paper. So…What is Graphology?
It is proven that the hand writes because the brain decides it. The brain sends the information through nerve pathways to the muscles of the hand so that it can execute graphic movements. The slightest alteration in this route is reflected in the writing.
True feelings can be hidden, it is possible to manipulate the spoken word, think one thing and say another. But the movements recorded in writing are like an open window through which the personality appears.
Handwriting Analysis
Writing is directly related to the thought process. It cannot be faked. It remains visible for all to see. As long as we learn to understand the “code”.
In the same way that no two people are the same, no two handwritings (scripts) are the same. The way of writing of each one is personal; it is unique, like fingerprints. Psychological traits participate in the act of writing. Similar scripts can be found, but a closer look reveals the differences.
Writing is dynamic, it keeps changing. Graphics change, we don’t always have the same handwriting. Because emotionally we are not always the same, we are not in the same mood, nor do we have the same attitude. We are hot or cold, we are hungry or we eat a lot, we are worried or we are calm. And our state of health is not always the same.
What is Graphology? Why is it more revealing than words?
Everything affects the moment of writing. Why?
Writing expresses the state of the nervous system and the reflection of the functioning of the brain. It manifests the conscious and unconscious contents of our mind. Like a drawing, it projects the ego of the person on the paper.
We don’t always write the same way. We have a style of writing when we are children, another one as a teenager, as adults and as older adults. Life experiences are integrated into our personality. This is reflected in the way we write. Your writing evolves as you mature.
Graphology is a test or projective technique that analyzes these graphic movements that allow us to capture the depth of YOUR personality. It is a great way to know people.
Graphology: Handwriting Analysis
Study the graphical aspects that are visible such as size, slant, the direction of the lines, how the letters are joined and give them a psychological significance
It is not simply a matter of reading what is written. The experienced graphologist assesses the space, shape, movement and pressure that is printed when writing.
What is Graphology used for?
Through graphological analysis it is possible to develop a complete psychological profile.
• Intellectual characteristics: Balance and mental speed, clarity of ideas, capacity for assimilation and integration, intuition, capacity for deduction and logic, reflection, imagination, creativity, degree of objectivity, precision.
• Aptitudes for work or study: Constancy, memory, concentration, command capacity, initiative, decision-making power, organizational capacity.
• Affective Characteristics: Predominance of reason or emotion, degree of security/insecurity, emotional stability/instability, tendencies to optimism or pessimism, self-esteem, self-concept, will, moods.
• Social Characteristics: Ability to bond with others, tendencies to introversion/extraversion, degree of sociability, stability and constancy in the bonds that it establishes, capacity to adapt, influence/independence of criteria, tendency to aggressiveness.
• Personality disorders: The presence of neurosis, psychosis, psychopathies, addictions.
• Evolution of personality throughout life. This requires writing from all stages of life, from scribbles to current writing.
Our website aims to disseminate graphology because we are convinced that it is a wonderful technique that deserves to be known, accepted and applied.
Is Graphology a Science or Scam?
Graphology is not a science. It is a projective technique that allows us to become aware of ourselves and also explore those around us. And it is an art because the graphologist has to keep in mind the total context, the “gestalt” of the writing as a whole.
Through the analysis of the handwritten letter, it is possible to study the writing patterns that identify the psycho-physical state and the evaluation of the personality characteristics.
It reveals psychological problems, the ability to adapt, the degree of self-esteem, the need to bond with others, the level of intelligence, vital energy, health problems, among others.
It is an exact method, which is based on psychoanalysis and projective techniques. It is fast, inexpensive, currently widely used for personnel selection.
It is applied as a complementary technique of psychology, to detect mild or deep conflicts and contribute to the diagnosis and monitoring. It is also compatible with areas such as medicine, psychiatry, law, justice, security forces, education and the business sector.
graphology: the technique of analyzing handwriting is used by recruitment personnel in many companies
The Uses of Graphology
Taking into account everything that is possible to discover with this technique, we will understand that the applications are multiple and varied.
- Graphology is an auxiliary technique of psychology and psychiatry. Not only in the clinic in order to corroborate the evolution of the patient but also in the business environment.
- In the personnel selection and recruitment processes, it allows prior selection. In cases where a handwritten letter is requested, it is more than evident that a graphologist will participate. The graphological test provides very complete information establishing a clear relationship between the applicant’s aptitudes and the requirements for the position, revealing motivations, attitudes and behaviors that are difficult to detect through the use of other techniques. It is also applied in cases requiring the redistribution of human resources within a company.
- In education and psychopedagogy. The graphologist participates together with the teacher and the psychopedagogue to approach the students. They collaborate in the prevention and early detection of problems in writing, which constitute impediments in the learning process. They also participates in the process of vocational guidance for young people.
- Graphotherapy or graphic reeducation is a branch of graphology that tries to modify behaviors of young people through the written word.
- In the judicial field, graphology is increasingly useful. Social workers, lawyers, psychologists, psychiatrists, and scientific police, recommend that graphological reports be issued to determine the characteristics of the personality of the writer and the existence of aggressive or violent tendencies. It is used to request restraining orders from potential aggressors during long processes. Drawings with explanatory texts written by children are presented as evidence of child abuse.
- Forensic Graphology. The professional graphologist is qualified to occupy a relevant place in the judicial field in civil and criminal jurisdictions.
- Graphopathology is successfully applied in offices in the US and Europe. Forensic Graphology studies the personality through graphic anomalies and can provide the courts with clues in the investigation of the emotional, mental and psycho-physical states of the writer. The police use handwriting skills to consider the veracity of the defendants’ statements, confirming, denying or rectifying assumptions. It is possible to prepare the personality profile of the accused and evaluate the possibility of recidivism and their ability to adapt to social norms, among others, from the writing samples.
- In medicine, to know the personality of the patient. The branch called graphopathology is applied as a technique for early detection and monitoring of certain physical and mental illnesses (Alzheimer, Parkinson‘s Disease).
- In human relations, marriage agencies currently apply graphological tests for the matching of applicants in search of a partner.
Handwriting is a universal skill that does not discriminate against human beings based on race, sex or creed. Writing consists of three things: Movement, spacing, and form. A graphologist studies these variations as they occur in each of these aspects of writing, and attaches psychological interpretations to them. Expert graphologists can achieve a very high degree of accuracy and offer an unbiased description of an individual’s personality and behavior.
Graphology is important for everyone that deals with society