Have you ever wondered how you write numbers?
A simple way to find out is by writing the number sequence from 0 to 9 and observing it closely. Do you write them in a line or a column?
Handwriting Analysis
Handwriting Analysis Free Online Course
From Stone to Paper The Evolution of Writing Surfaces Through the Ages
Exploring the Relationship Between Writer’s Attention, Willpower, and Written.
Numbers are analyzed in the same way as letters: You have to study: Size, slant, shape, speed, pressure, cohesion, legibility.
The calligraphic letter r has two angles; it is “square”. The first angle, from the -left- corresponds to the perseverance and constancy that is destined to what is done. The second angle from the -right- means initiative, decision and drive.
It is important to measure all the elements of a piece of writing, capital letters, middle area, upper extensions and lower extensions.
Although it is something so small, the dot of letter i is very important, since it measures attention, precision, memory and concentration. These characteristics are also analyzed in the dot of letter “j”.
Different versions of Letter S in Graphology- Handwriting analysis
Handwriting Analysis: Why do Some People Write in Capital Letters?
The three arches of letter “m” are studied according to the symbolism of space of Max Pulver.
When you write in handwriting, are your letters joined or disconnected? Evidence shows that people who connect their letters apply logic over emotion. On the contrary, those who do not connect their letters are impulsive and act on instinct. They use their intuition and imagination.
What is the meaning of letter “a” in Graphology? Learn graphology letter by letter